Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trenary Toast Factory

This trip was a bit random but turned out great. We were on our way to check out the Eben ice caves and got a little lost. We ended up in Trenary. We figured since we were already here we should go find the semi- famous UP bakery that specializes in their own brand of toast that makes it's home in Trenary. The toast, known as Trenary toast, is a unique and delicious product of the Upper Peninsula. It is covered in cinnamon and tastes even better if you put a little peanut butter on it.

We pulled up in the front of the place. Immediately, one of the owners walked out and greeted us at our car. He offered us a tour of the bakery.... I was not going to turn that down. He took us into the bakery and explained the, by hand, process they use to make the famed toast. There was a TON of toast in this place. This is the only place the company makes their toast. He let us sample some pre-toasted toast (which tasted awesome) and showed us the ovens.

They also have a retail store next door where you can buy the toast directly from them. We were told that they were soon going to be opening up a cafe that will be located inside of the retail store.

The Trenary Toast Home Bakery is a place to check out especially if your already in the area. Ask for the tour. Im sure they will oblige and you will probably get some free toast samples out of it. Don't forget to stock up on toast before you leave.

Directions from Marquette: Take US 41 South (31 Miles), turn left at M 67 North (.5 miles) and your there. The bakery is right downtown in a house.


1 comment:

  1. This blog is fabulous! Our office on campus did a Marquette 101 Skill Builder in the fall and put up a page with some of the content

    Would it be ok if we linked to this blog from that Marquette 101 page? It's got a Google map of locations that users can edit Feel free to edit that Google map, link to you blog entries or post your photos. They're amazing. -- Anne Stark, NMU's marketing director
